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许裕全 Hoo Joo Chuan

最男人年过30未娶是“猪头”?“ 放浪形骸、吊儿郎当、不修边幅,宝贝,这就是我的猪头本色。你还敢要嘛?”年过30的作者如何把苦恼转化成生活间的笑料,骄傲地宣告:“我因为猪头而骄傲!”


Some say turning 30 is a milestone to every man; you have to face so much pressure from different directions to do and be everything. But on second thought, age is just a number, not a factor! You can still dance on tables while experiencing life. Most important, live life to the max and discover how being 30 can still be something really awesome!



210mm x 150mm / 2 Colours / 175Pages

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